Should I Be Dieting To Lose My Stomach Flab?

Is it important to diet when you want to get a flat lean stomach? Of course! You are what you eat. If you are eating the wrong foods you are bound to get bad health and bad results in physical appearence. The idea is to eat healthy to look and feel healthy. You don’t have to go on a crazy bodybuilding or fitness model diet either, just make a few adjustments in order to get less calories in your body each day. Although you want to keep the intake of calories pretty high and frequent in order to keep your metabolism high.

When I diet in order to lose fat down to the 10-12% bodyfat range, while trying to keep as much muscle as possible I tend to eat 6 times per day and eat some kind of protein with each meal that I consume. This means a few eggs at breakfast, with some kind of fruit or oatmeal for example. This is healthy and balanced.

I also will supplement with my fish oils and multi-vitamins right away in the morning so that I’m health and vibrant for the day. A few hours, like 2-3 hours later I’ll have a mid-morning snack. This usually consists of either cottage cheese + grapes and some tomato mixed, this tastes good in my opinion, or I’ll have a protein shake and a whole fruit.

Then 2-3 hours later I’ll again eat, but this time lunch and I might have a chicken breast (lean meat/protein) with vegetables (a lot of vegetables), maybe a glas of milk or smoothie, along with olive oil and some feta cheese on top to make kind of a greek sallad.

Then I’ll have another small snack such as a protein shake and an apple or something like that, cottage cheese + apple or whatever. Even a healthy smoothie such as Milk + Banana + Almonds + Cinnamon mixed in a blender – yummy!

Then for dinner I’ll have potato/rice or something like that with vegetables and a big piece of meat, like chicken, ground beef, lean turket or salmon. Usually spice it with lemon or something other natural. I’ll also take another fish-oil supplement if I’m not having fish at this time.

This kind of diet as you can see that it’s tasteful and healthy. It’s frequent and keeps the metabolism high. I will during the day tend to drink as much water as humanly possible to flush out toxins and left overs in the body that doesn’t need to be there, such as sodium (salt).

I stay away from fried foods, junk foods, candy, soda, sugary drinks and things like that to keep my calories in check. Then during the weekends I “bend the rules” and eat pretty much whatever, except I try to keep it as clean as possible, I just don’t bother with portion size to the degree that I do during the weekend.

I combine this with intense weight lifting and cardio training in order to lose fat and build muscle. This got me pretty ripped in just 16 weeks! I only did cardio for the last 8 weeks and the pounds kept falling off and my muscles are more toned and defined. Abs are starting to appear etc. This works like crazy.

Try it and good luck with your diet and exercise programs!

Can I Get Abs In a Month And Burn Off My Belly Fat?

You might ask yourself if it is possible to get abs in a month… Well. Is it? Yes and No. It depends on how much belly fat you need to lose and how big your current abs are.

There are some guys who tend to get ripped without any effort, just from training sports like basketball, football, soccer, fighting sports etc. They naturally get abs without thinking about it.

This is because of the huge amount of exercise and workout that they do… Some of them train for hours each day! No wonder they have abs, haha. For us less fortunate it will take some work and dedication in order to get ripped abs and burn off enough fat in a month to get abs, but it is possible.

You can’t be “too overweight”, and you should see at least some kind of “abs underneath” when you flex in order for this to work… But if you are able to kind of see an outline of your abs and you can “feel them” underneath the fat and your ridges are fairly deep, then it’s just a matter of burning off the belly fat. This can take 4-16 weeks depending on how hard you diet and exercise.

For me, it usually takes about 6 weeks to cut down from “non-ripped” to pretty lean… I tend to hoover in the 12-13%ish body fat range and cut down to 9-10% to get lean and ripped. I don’t feel the need to go lower (It won’t look that much more ripped, and is hard to maintain, seriously!).

Just under 10% bodyfat is very ripped and lean. This is crazy good looking and here’s what it takes to get down in these ranges training wise: This is what I do to cut down serious weight, like 12-15 lbs in 6 weeks, a little over a month, although they appear to the satisfaction I think you might be looking for within 3-4 weeks!

Monday: Strength Training – Full-Body Workout – Squats, Deadlift, Pull-Ups, Barbell Rows, Military Press, Push-Ups, Ab Work I do all for 2-3 sets of 5 HEAVY REPS! Bodyweight exercises to 3 x to failure. Add in Bicep/Tricep work as you feel like it.

Tuesday: Interval Training – High Intense Interval Training – Choose either: Tabata Burpeses 20s work/10s rest x 8, Hill Sprints Hard Up, Walk Down, Sprints 30s Work /30s Rest.

Wednesday: Same as monday

Thursday: Same as Tuesday

Friday: Same as monday, wednesday

Saturday: Cardio. Long Distance, 5 Mile run, 45 minute bike ride, Swim for a long time etc. 1 Long cardio session (kind of rest from the HIIT, but burn calories that day anyway) – Abs Work, such as Ab Ripper X or similar.

Sunday: Rest

Do this program and stick to a healthy balanced diet with 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight, low carb and plenty of healthy fats. Drink lots of water and eat 6 smaller meals throughout the day. Supplement with protein drinks. Stay away from junk and you’ll see your body transform like crazy!

You might get abs in a month, or it may take longer… Either way, this is how I do it when I want to get in shape. I can also, sometimes add a little more cardio trying to keep the nutrients coming, but not too high. Stay in a deficit. Eat less than you burn. Each day will burn roughly 250 calories from the exercise, so eat only 250 calories less than you usually do to preserve muscle, or even build some!

Can I Lose My Belly With Pull-Ups?

The pull-up is a great exercise to lose belly fat, because it is a full-body movement where you are pulling the body through space. Push-ups are a good example as opposed to a bench press. A lot more muscles are activated during the push-up since you also have to keep the core engaged and legs hard etc.

The pull-up is this exact thing, but instead of a “pull-down”. You are moving the body through the motion, meaning you are getting many more stabilizers into the movement. This is great for over all muscle stimulation, thus fat loss. It will also make your lats and upper back stronger and bigger making your waist appear smaller.

Weighted pull-ups are one of my favorite exercises for upper back and lats development. Doin heavy sets of 5 x5 is my routine. This gets the lats the width you want and the added benefit of fat burn. The metabolism in your body is also greatly stimulated during this exercise, which makes it a perfect exercise to include in a fat loss plan.

A few great full-body exercises that can be combined with the pull-up to lose belly fat are:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push-Ups
  • Inverted Rows
  • Split Squat with elevated back foot
  • Handstand push-ups
  • Hanging leg raises
  • etc

Combine these exercises with pull-ups to get a great full-body workout! Make sure you superset the exercises using one upper and one lower body exercise each time! Wait to lose some belly fat my friend =)

Best Cardio Workout – How Long Cardio Workout To Lose Fat Around Stomach?

Are you looking for the best cardio workouts that are effective to burn off fat around your midsection? How long should you do cardio to get results and is the intensity of the exercise up for debate at all? We will answer some of the questions and thoughts that might come up in this short article on cardio exercises…

First of all, let’s look at various cardio exercises that could build a good cardio workout:

  • Running/Jogging
  • Walking at a fast pace (Heart beat is increased slightly)
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Jump Rope
  • Dancing (at higher speeds)
  • Sports activities
  • Hiking
  • Climbing
  • Wrestling
  • Kick Boxing
  • Treadmill
  • Cardio Machines like the elliptical, Crosstrainer
  • etc

Obviously there are many more things to add to this list, but you get the idea here. It’s doing an activity for a prolonged period of time, that usually lasts for 20-60 minutes at a speed of which you can hold a conversation, but your heart rate is greatly elevated during this period. You are not reaching maximum heart rate when doing “slow steady cardio”.

This kind of cardio I suggest you do as a beginner, until you can easily hold a good paced run for 30-45 minutes without falling over, then you need to move over to more advanced cardio training. This type of cardio, slow and steady, should be done preferably 20 minutes or more each and every day at moderate tempo.

I tend to gravitate towards more intense cardio, because it is more time efficient for my schedule. I wish I had the time and energy to run for 60 minutes per day, but I do not… Instead of this I focus on High Intense Cardio Exercise. This is also known as HIIT and is explained well in Turbulence Training.

This type of cardio is done at a very high rate of intensity. Sometimes as high as 98% of your max effort. Some say go 110%, but that’s not likely. This is the kind of cardio exercise that burns the most abdominal fat for the least amount of time and I like it because I can get away with doing it only 3 times per week for only 16 minutes.

High Intense Interval Training is the best cardio workout there is in my opinion!

Even though many people argue that there is no real facts that it does in fact work better than lower steady state cardio I like the THRILL and the INTENSITY of the cardio session. I LOVE TO PUSH MYSELF. Be aware that HIIT is not for the faint of heart. It’s intense and hard work. It knocks your central nervous system way out and you can feel really tired after  Only do this if you want more advanced cardio, otherwise stick to 20-60 minutes of cardio once per day as often as you can…

Here’s a sample HIIT cardio workout using a simple cardio exercise such as sprinting. I would do this workout routine on a non-resistance training day.

  • Jog for 5 minutes to warm up.. (I run to a close by terrain, perfect for this, it takes 1 lap to finish for me!)
  • Sprint As Hard As I Possibly Can For 30 Seconds
  • Rest As Much As I Can By Walking SLOOOOWLY for 30-60 seconds, make rest shorter the better you get.
  • Repeat Until I Reach Failure or 16 Rounds (Total 16 minutes)

When I am untrained or haven’t done this cardio for a while I might get knocked out at about 12 rounds of 30 seconds hard and 30 seconds of rest, but I’m usually peaking at 30/30 for 16 rounds in 2-4 weeks. I try to add a round of sprints for each week that I do the cardio.

If you do this cardio exercise you are bound to start losing some fat around your waist if you keep it up and do your cardio regularly in combination with a solid diet regimen and strength training plan.

I Am Thin, About 8% Bodyfat But Abs Not Showing? More Cardio or What Should I Do?

I want to help people who are asking this question. I see it asked a lot on various “asking sites” like Yahoo answers, Quora as well as YouTube and other video sharing sites. You are usually young (teenager) or a little bit older and are just naturally “thin”.

You have low body fat, but also little muscle. Not too much of anything. This is usually the case for young teenagers who have yet to develop their full potential in muscle growth, testosterone levels can be lower etc.

If you really want abs and are doing a lot of cardio, as well as sit-ups and crunches or other “ab routines” then you might want to rethink as this is not what you need to focus on right now. Since you are thin, yet do not have abs, the problem is that you need “bigger abs”, and not burn off the fat covering them.

Therefore you need to train your abs like any other muscle. With weights and resistance. If you aren’t 18 yet, I would suggest looking into bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, inverted rows, lunges etc in order to release some testosterone and metabolic drive. If you are a little older and suffer from this same condition however I recommend that you literally forget about your abs for about 2-3 months and build some serious muscle instead.

You should be lifting heavy weight, low reps on the compound movements: Squats, Deadlift, Benchpress, Military Press, Lunges, Pull-Ups, Rows, Barbell Rows etc to build a more muscular body. You will also need to EAT MORE! Yes, eat a lot more in order to build some muscle… Your abs still need energy to grow, so even if you starve and train them everyday they will not grow. You need to only do your ab routine, heavy, with weights 1 or 2 times per week along with a “bulking program” in order to get the abs (and all other muscles) bigger.

That will give you a much more attractive look and take you just 2-3 months! Eat a lot of protein, 1 gram per lbs of bodyfat at least. Also eat clean and skip the junk food as best you can. Drink plenty of water.

This is the best solution for really skinny guys who cannot get abs (even with low body fat). Build muscle until you reach 10-12% bodyfat then cut 250 calories and don’t change your routine until you see your abs. It’s as simple as that!

Have a great day and start pumping up the muscles hard with intense lifting, low reps, low # of sets and heavy as possible. This will release growth hormones, testosterone, even out insulin levels, increase your metabolism and much more. Good luck!

Is Circuit Training Effective Cardio?

We’ve stumbled upon this a very popular trend called Circuit Training. This is a strength training program specifically designed to burn off belly fat while maintaining muscle, not so much building muscle, but is it really effective? We can see the trend increasing and more and more belly fat programs all include this kind of training.

This type of training is a higher rep range, lower rest times and multiple exercise regimen. You would pick 6-8 exercises with weights that you can perform 12-15 times on each exercise then move from one to the other without rest. Once one “circuit” is finished you repeat the same circuit 2-3 more times for a total body workout for about 45 minutes.

Each circuit usually includes “big compound” exercises to work the whole body each workout. This kind of exercise is then done 3 times per week on alternating days. This kind of exercise is effective because you are able to include both weight lifting, strength training and cardio in the same workout routine because of the low rest times.

It is also smartly designed, so that if you were to do an upper-body exercise, you’d alternate that with a lower-body exercise so you are “actively resting” the entire circuit. This is what gives you that cardio component in your training. This kind of training is becoming very popular and I heard a few guys talk about it today at my gym. They said they had tried it for a few weeks and already seen results with it.

I saw them do it in the gym too. They moved from station to station and completed their workouts fairly fast, about the same time as me and I do a more high load, low rep kind of training at the moment. I’ve tried circuit training last year and it worked great for me, so it probably will work for you too.

The real “founders” of circuit training cannot be determined, but one of the people who popularized it was Craig Ballantyne in his Turbulence Training program, about 10 years ago. Check it out and tell me what you think? Personally I really like it and he’s got a lean killer body to show for it!

HIIT For Abs – My Favorite HIIT For Abs Routine!

If you are not yet familiar with HIIT (High Intense Interval Training) then I’ll just give you a short explanation of it here. Pretty much, you work hard for a short interval (10-30 seconds) then you rest for a while (30-90 seconds). You repeat this for up to 16 minutes to complete your HIIT for abs routine.

By hard work I mean “max effort”, no holding back, puke enducing work. Yes, this stuff is pretty darn HARD! It’s not for sissies by any means. Max effort is hard to reach for most people. Anyway, here’s my favorite hiit interval workout that I do to lose belly fat when I cut weight.

Burpees or Sprints/Hill Sprints. I stick to these 3 variations only.

For burpees: I do 30 s work, 30 s rest using my Gymboss Interval timer, at home or on the go. Easy and effective. I can usually do about 11-13 burpees the first 30 seconds and towards the end I only manage to do about 7-8, because of fatigue. I tend to do these for around 14-16 rounds until I collapse. It takes about 16 minutes to do and makes you work your whole body.

For sprints: When I sprint I just run from my house to a 2 mile forest track. For the duration of that track I will perform 30 second sprints followed by 30 second walks. I do this until I make the full 2 mile lap. It takes various amounts of time, but usually about 12-16 rounds. I use my gymboss timer for this as well to make sure I can’t cheat with the rest or work periods.

For Hill Sprints: This is nice, because you only have to find a very steep hill and run as hard as you can to the top, then walk slowly down. Take a breather and go HARD again. Repeat 8-12 times. This one I don’t use a timer, since it’s hard up, slow down. This makes you LEAN UP LIKE CRAZY if you do it consistently for a few weeks and stick to your diet.

This is pretty much the cardio I do for my abs. This HIIT routine is for your abs! Perform it every other day and be sure to lift weights every other day. That’s 6 days a week you train, but dang it, you will be sporting a six pack very soon, trust me! This is so effective when done at high intensity, you wouldn’t believe it until you tried it =)

How Many Calories Should I Eat To Lose Weight?

Have you ever wondered how many calories you should eat in order to lose weight? Well, the answer is, not too many and not too few… But the most important factor in my opinion is the quality of the calories you consume. You could eat 2,500 calories from soda, doughnuts, chips and hamburgers if you like… But that wouldn’t give you any nutritional value at all.

Instead of “counting calories” and wondering how many I should eat to lose weight a good idea is to eat as natural and “clean” as possible. What I mean by this is that there are very few who get “really fat” (I’m from Sweden so I see this here) from good natural food. The people here are considerably smaller than the average American.

We eat a lot differently, not necissarily less food in volume, but the quality of the food is much, much better. Not too much sugar in the food. Whole grain. Fruits, vegetables. We are raised on that stuff. Only in recent years have we gotten bigger, by introducing Hamburgers, fast food pizzza, kebabs, french fries, soda and things like that.

Our portions are considerably smaller than a typical american meal. This is how most people can keep their bodies healthy and fit without much exercise. I suggest adding exercise for obvious health reasons, but to answer the “how many calories should I eat per day in order to lose fat” varies from person to person. Instead of worrying about it too much I would focus on making the better food choice…

Remove sugar, fried foods (french fries), Hamburgers, pizza, really fatty nacho plates, big steaks that are ridiculously large… All you can eat places etc.

Cook your food at home with as much natural ingredients as possible, such as vegetables, herbs, lean protein, potato, brown rice, whole wheat breads, milk, low fat cheese, olive oil, fish etc.

Eat smaller portions of this kind of food more often and you do not have to worry about gaining weight too much, but to get a good idea of how many calories a person should consume, is around 2,000-2,500 calories. This is recommended depedning on how large a person is. The bigger the more he needs to eat, obviously. You can calculate how many calories you should eat by using a calorie calculator such as the one on…Click here to visit the calorie calculator.

Lose Belly Fat – How To Lose Belly Fat Fast?

Ever wonder how to lose belly fat fast? Have you tried crunches and sit-ups, but nothing is working? Well, the truth is that you cannot spot-reduce fat from a specific area. This means you will have to lose fat all over your body in order to get in shape and lose fat from your belly.

Unfortunately, the belly is the first place that the fat is stored and last place it comes off. How unfortunate, right? Well, not really. There are ways to lose fat all over your body so that the belly fat is gone forever. What you need to do is get on a diet and nutrition plan that is healthy and balanced.

The idea is to boost your metabolism so that you are burning fat 24/7 through proper eating and proper exercise. Skip the pills, potions and workout routines in the fitness magazines… And stay as far away as possible from supplements and “steroids”. Here we’ll lose fat naturally through good nutrition and exercise, the only 2 proper ways to do it!

There are three things that you have to have in order to lose belly fat quickly:

  • Good nutrition
  • Strength Training
  • Cardiovascular Training

This means that you have to change how you live your life… Your lifestyle must change to a positive and active one. You will need to workout at least 3 times per week, minimum, starting slow and adding to your intensity each week. Your diet needs to be stripped of bad foods and replaced with good foods, period.

A wierd tip that actually works is eating more frequent meals throughout the day, remember how I said to keep metabolism high, well, eating 6 small meals per day will help you achieve this goal.

Next you need to be willing to push yourself and build muscle. Muscle is metabolically expensive and requires energy just to sit on your body. This is great! So the first goal should be to build muscle through proper weight training exercises and bodyweight exercises. This might take you 2 months or so to gain some muscle.

You’ll also need to do cardio. Yepp! Cardio, oh no right? Well, not really. Cardio should be fast, hard and intense. None of this 60 minutes on a treadmill stuff. Throw that idea out the door. Instead I tend to focus on short bursts of hard work followed by short rest periods. This kind of training is called interval training, but more known as “HIIT”, high intense interval training. This is the best fat loss stuff you’ve ever seen.

In future posts I’ll post routines and workouts that will help you lose the belly fat fast. You’ll also get information on what foods to eat and things like that. I might also post videos to help you out.

Here I’ll explain to you about how to lose belly fat quickly. Seriously, this stuff melts that stuff away like wildfire. No hype either. Prisoners call them “Prison Workouts”, because you can do it Anytime, Anywhere. I love to do this workout and usually do it 1-2 times per week. I train strength with weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

I do this workout or some kind of High Intensity Interval Training on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The workout I’m talking about is HIGH INTENSITY. It’s HARD. It will make you breathe like crazy. You will feel like you want to die, ok mayeb not, but it’s tough.

The exercise we’ll be focusing on in this workout is the burpee. The burpee is a great exercise for fat loss, strength and stamina.

Here’s a video of how to perform the exercise:

Ok, great! Now to the fun part 

How should I make this workout hard for myself? Hehe. That’s easy!

You can do it in a time interval fashion, such as 30 seconds of burpees at full speed, followed by 30 seconds of rest.

This is how I perform my ultimate fat loss workout:

  • A few minutes of warm up, jump around or jog in place or whatever gets you warm.
  • 30 seconds of burpees (usually about 10-12 burpees)
  • 30 seconds of rest (nice one set down, that was easy)
  • Repeat this sequence for either 5,7,9, 11, 13 or 15 times.

That means as a beginner you do 6 “sets” of 30/30 reps for a total of a 6 minute workout. If you are more advanced then you just add 2 sets each week until you reach a total of 16 sets for a total of 16 minutes… Don’t go above 16 minutes, instead try to do more burpees each set.

This is the formula I use personally. I’m at 16 x 30/30 burpees right now, and I try to do 10-12 burpees per workout set. This is hard to do and I often get as low as 7 burpees towards the end. I feel very tired.

This workout is hardcore fat loss and works like crazy. Some things to notice after the workout is your pulse. It will be elevated for up to an hour after this workout, seriously. You’ll feel hot as well. This is your body which is trying to get back to normal levels of energy, burning TONS of calories to refresh itself. This is also known as afterburn.

Never do this on consecutive days, always skip a day in between or it may become too taxing on your central nerval system.

This workout is great because you can do it anywhere, at anytime using just your bodyweight. If you do not have a watch or timer to perform this exercise here’s another variation that I like to do when I don’t have access to my Gymboss Intervall Timer.

Alternate Workout For Those Without A Stop-Watch/Friend:

If you do not have a timer or something to keep track of exact times, then I suggest you simply do 10 x 10 burpees. That means, 10 sets of 10 burpees. Keep the rest to about 30-60 seconds here though. Count in your head, approximately 30 seconds, this is fine.

So here is how you would perform it, anywhere, without excuses 

  • 10 Burpees
  • Count to 30 or 60 at a 1 mississippi pace (about 30 – 60 seconds) or even longer if you are very out of breath.
  • Repeat 10 times for a total of 100 burpees

As you can see, it doesn’t require huge amounts of equipment or “secret sauce tools” to build a rockstar body. You just have to do the work and keep an eye on your nutrition. With this workout I lost about 8 lbs in 5 weeks without watching my diet. Abs are showing and poppin’ since I started my “cutting phase”, which means I built muscle and gained fat previously.. I usually walk around with a six pack during summer, lol!

Good luck with your workout and hope you stick with this, it’s a very powerful workout that WORKS and doesn’t cost a penny of equipment unless you decide to order a Gymboss Interval timer. I recommend you get one!

Does Crunches Work To Lose Belly Fat?

In a short answer, NO. Spot reduction is a myth. You cannot specifically remove fat from a specific location, such as doing crunches to lose belly fat. This is because you lose fat all over your body. That means that while crunches are good to build your ab strength you should burn off the fat covering your abs to make them visible.

Truth is that the only ab-specific exercise I do nowadays is actually the “plank”.

I’ve built up enough strenght to do it for a few minutes. Now I am adding weight, I do about 1 minute with 60 lbs in my back with plates that a friend helps me put there.

The rest of the time I focus my energy on fat loss or building muscle. You won’t get “ripped” doing cardio and ab workouts, unfortunately. You have to strengthen and build some muscle too. That means eating more first and training with heavy weights to build up strength and muscle size (you’ll gain some fat as well).

Then you have to remove calories, keep strength training and add cardio to your routine. When I’m cutting weight (losing belly fat) I train with weights 3 times per week and do HIIT cardio 3 times per week alternating days.

Monday: Back, Traps, Calves

Tuesday: Burpee HIIT (30 second work / 30 second rest)

Wednesday: Chest, Shoulders + Planks

Thursday: Sprint HIIT (30 second work / 30 second rest)

Friday: Legs, Biceps, Triceps

Saturday: HIIT (30 second work / 30 second rest)


This is a typical cutting week for me. Sometimes I’m off doing things and I’ll have to do a quick Tabata workout in the morning. I always do burpees with tabata because I can do it in 4 minutes at home, with no equipment or space.

So, all in all. Crunches are good at first, then you should move to planks and adding weight to them. Go for a 1-2 minute hold. This makes your abs thicker and deeper, very nice! It doesn’t burn fat, but makes them nicer once they appear 

All the while you need to be strength training to build muscle and doing cardio to lose fat. I hope you really start to work hard, becuase it’s not easy to lose belly fat if you don’t know how. If you know how, then it’s very simple, you just have to do the work. Nothing is free, especially not abs! There are ways to do it “faster”, such as I’ve outlined here. You can probably cut the time from 6 months to 3 months by doing it this way.

Good luck,

– Chris

Ab Workouts For Men – What Are The Best Ab Workouts For Men?

Do you want a great ab workout that will make women turn their heads? Well, it’s not easy to get a good ab workout for men these days. Most abdominal workouts that men perform tend to lean towards abdominal exercises and lower ab work, when the biggest problem is usually belly fat covering the abs.

The truth about getting chiseled abs is to get on a good diet and exercise program, that doesn’t focus on ABDOMINAL WORKOUTS! Yepp, that’s right… A majority of men are going about getting that ripped six pack the completely wrong way! It’s no wonder so few have it, and it’s impressive to see those abs pop through for the ones who do… The truth about abs is a perfect solution…

=> Click Here To Download The Truth About Abs Right Now <=

This program will show you specific diets and exercises you can do to get rid of your beer belly and finally lose massive amounts of belly fat quickly. This is a program I’ve personally gone through and I lost around 14 lbs of pure fat in 8 weeks (and it was the stubborn last fat too!)… I later gained muscle (as well as fat) and weight exactly the same as when I started, but I’m MUCH MORE MUSCLY! Yay… Women look at me differently now… I’m sure you would want that too…

There are many reasons for trying to find ab workouts for men on the internet. Most people want videos of ab exercises being done or a program they can use to get their abs toned and ready for the beach… And we want this because most women think that a set of chiseled abs is the sexiest part of a muscular man… Chest and arms come next…

Having a set of exposed abs ready to be flashed at any time is a great confidence booster, for sure. If you don’t do ab workouts for yourself, do it for women… They love it.

Another intelligent reason for doing abdominal workouts is to get rid of visceral fat, which is dangerous fat that can end up killing a person. This is seriously bad fat and will open up your body to dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke! Lose the belly, do it quickly or your health might be at stake…

Don’t waste another second with BAD ab workouts that do not work. It’s not about the “abs”, it’s about “losing the belly”! So hurry and get into the Truth About Abs right now, before it’s too late!

Fat Loss 101: Basics of Weight Loss That Cannot Be Ignored!

With all of the thousand of weight loss programs and products out there, it can be awfully confusing figuring out what is true, what is hype, and what is the most useful information.  Before getting lost on the internet with too much information, it can be useful to get back to basics on what exactly causes a person to lose weight.

The Real Truth About Calories

The simple fact about calories is that they are the fuel that runs the engine of your body.  You use them just like a car uses gas, to get up in the morning, to walk around all day, and even to sleep.  If you consume more calories than you burn, and the rest will be stored as fat. 

Your body stores fat as a defense so that in case you run out of food one day, it could use all that stored energy.  But since you’re probably not going to run out of food, it just stays stored as fat. 

What’s more is that many of the foods we love today in modern society contain way more calories than we need.  Anything that’s fried or that has a lot of corn syrup is generally high in calories.  And if we don’t burn those calories, they, too, will end up as fat.

So the most basic way to lose weight is to control your calorie balance.  You can do this either by consuming fewer calories or by burning more of them.  We obviously burn calories by exercising, but how can we consume less of them, when it’s so hard to find low calorie foods?

Much of controlling calorie intake is a matter of changing the way you eat.  Many people say that snacking in between meals is bad for weight loss.  This is true if you are snacking on potato chips and donuts, but the fact is that a healthy snack like some grapes or carrot sticks can help you control your cravings and prevent you from overeating when mealtime finally rolls around.

Another habit you can change to lower your calorie intake is eating in smaller portions.  If you put a ton of food on your plate, you are likely to eat all of it simply because it is there.  If, however, you consciously decide to take a smaller portion of food at every meal, you can make a big dent in your calorie count simply by eating less.

In the end, the basics of weight loss are much simpler than they may appear.  By reducing your calorie intake and burning more of what you take in, you will be well on your way to losing weight.

I think that if you are not currently burning more calories than you consume then you are going down the wrong path… most people who come to this site are looking for a solid weight loss program that work, and that they can trust, from recommended sources… My choice of fat loss system right now is: Cinderella Solution.

This weight loss program will show you how to value a calorie, it will teach you the basics of weight loss, exercise, diet and the mental game… Everything you need to start losing that stubborn fat you’ve always wanted GONE!

I can’t stress enough, how important it is to get going NOW, never wait with your health. One day it’s too late and cinderella solution has a small price to pay for a healthy, thin, attractive body.. Wouldn’t you say? I think so… Go ahead with Cinderella Solution  it works, but you need to put in the work to make it happen. Always remember, calories in vs calories out and you’ll be successful on this plan!

Getting Over Your Mental Block About Weight

Losing weight can be an intimidating task, especially if you’re substantially overweight, if you’ve failed in the past at losing weight, or if you’ve never tried a weight loss program before.  The truth about losing weight is that the hardest part is getting started with your new lifestyle.  Many people simply cannot find the motivation to begin a weight loss program, and continue being overweight and unhappy.  But if you can just remove the mental block that’s keeping you from losing weight, you can stop procrastinating and get started today.

Realize that it’s possible

If you’ve been overweight for a long time, you may not believe that it’s really possible to lose weight at all.  You see ads on TV all the time featuring people who have lost a ton of weight, but they’re all trying to sell you something.  What about real life?  The fact is that people can and do lose significant amounts of weight all the time in real life.  They just know how to set realistic goals and stick to them.

Have patience

It’s certain that you’re eager to lose as much weight as possible right away, but it’s important to temper your expectations to make sure that you will stick to your weight loss plan in the long term.  The normal rate of successful weight loss for most people is 1 to 2 pounds per week.  That may seem slow, but it’s highly preferable to lose weight at such a slow rate, since that’s the most likely way to keep the weight off in the long term.  People who go on crash diets and lose a ton of weight quickly tend to also gain it back quickly.

Be positive

Many people struggle with weight loss because they associate eating and being overweight with feelings of guilt.  You may feel bad about yourself because you are overweight and turn to overeating to make yourself feel better.  You may even feel that you do not deserve to be thin.  The truth is that being overweight or not is simply a matter of deciding to do something to change your situation.  It’s not a matter of morals or judgment or who deserves what.  Rather, it’s a simple scientific equation that has nothing to do with morals.

So simply decide that you are going to work to be thin until you have results, and you will have successfully overcome your mental block enough to get started on your new life. Many people think it’s a struggle to lose weight, or they think that they will need to give up a lot of their life to make it work…

The body will naturally repel this and do everything it can to try and stay big. If you don’t see that there are real life benefits of being thin, then yur body will likely keep thinking you are meant to be fat. If you are struggling with your weight, and do not have a proven step-by-step system to get rid of stomach fat then you need to try Cinderella Solution.

Best Lower Ab Workout – How Do I Get My Lower Abs Ripped and Ready For The Beach?

If you’re trying to lose some weight, as just about everyone is these days, you might be most concerned about the fat around your stomach area.  It’s just biologically where we generally store the most fat.  And yet it can be the most difficult to get rid of.  Your goal is probably to develop a slim stomach, perhaps with some six-pack abs.  It’s not always easy to do, but you can achieve your goal with the use of the best lower ab workout you can find.

One of the best and most widely used workouts for your lower abdominal region is the crunch.  It’s powerful because it targets only the region you are trying to target – the lower abs.  Crunches can be done anywhere without any special equipment.  They’re also useful for people of all skill levels.  You simply do as many as you can in a day, and slowly increase the number of crunches you do as you improve muscle strength.  If you develop some real strength and need a greater challenge, you can always hold a weight as you perform the crunch for extra strength training.

So how do you do a crunch and get the best lower ab workout possible?  First, find a clear area of the floor in your house, preferably a carpeted section for extra comfort.  Next, lie on your back and bend your knees up so that your feet are flat on the floor.  Next, fold your hands and place them in your lap.  If you want a slightly harder workout, place your hands behind your head.  Now, to do the crunch, you will want to think about moving your shoulders and your head up toward the ceiling. Don’t concentrate on swinging your torso toward your knees as you would in doing a sit up, but instead think about this movement straight upward.  You will feel your abdominal muscles, especially your lower abs, working to lift your head and shoulders.

Do as many of these crunches as you can without hurting yourself, then rest for about sixty seconds.  After resting, do another set of as many crunches as you can without hurting yourself.

Focus on doing this exercise ever day.  With practice and determination, as well as proper dieting, you’ll soon be on your way to a slimmer stomach and a healthier body.

If you really need help then you should definitely work hard on losing belly fat in order to reaveal the abs from underneath. This can be done by having a healthy diet and proper weight training and cardio regimen. It’s essential that you focus hard and build up your abdominal strength and size, as well as lose stomach fat in order to reveal what you have worked to build up.

The best program I know of right now for getting six pack abs is Truth About Abs, it’s specifically targeted towards getting ripped and lean. It has a very detailed plan of exercies, foods and other fat burning information that will help you build up that six pack you want. It is also great if you just want to lose a few pounds of your stomach area for whatever reason. You can check it out here:   Truth About Abs