How To Lose Belly Fat Fast In 3 Easy Steps!

Do you feel like you will never lose belly fat? Have you tried all the latest hyped up gizmos, books, training programs and weird diets that make you feel dizzy just thinking about them? Well, you are not alone.

Here on this website I share all my favorite tips, tricks and time-tested proven techniques on how to lose belly fat fast. No doubt is it harder than many think, but once you get the right knowledge about how to finally get rid of your belly fat the only thing left to do is apply the work. Keep in mind: You didn’t get fat overnight, so you probably will not get slim overnight either, no matter what anybody tells you.

losing belly fat the right way is a scientific process that works fast for some and a little slower for others. The great thing is that, the bigger you are not and the more fat you carry, the faster this method will get rid of it. If you have only the last 5 lbs to lose, this is still my weapon of choice for battling them, but it wouldn’t take as little time as if you had 75 lbs to lose for example =) So lets get to it!

What Does It Take From Me To Lose Belly Fat And Get In Shape?

I love this question, since most people think they can get away with running once and not eating that ice cream a few times and lose tons of weight. Well, it won’t happen like that. Losing belly fat requires that you have the right knowledge, which you’ll get here, as well as the right mindset to keep going even when there are difficulties, road bumbs and mistakes. You will not be perfect the first time around. All that is required is 100% focus and dedication to the task at hand and you can easily lose the weight. You MUST change the way you live and think about food, exercise and other damaging behaviour in order to lose belly fat fast.

What Are The Simple Steps To Lose Belly Fat Quickly?

Ah, glad you asked! The steps to losing belly fat are quite simple in general terms, but harder in reality. Think of it as putting your body in an energy deficit where you aren’t putting in as much fuel as your body needs and you are spending more energy than the body is consuming (eating), making your body have to take energy from stored energy deposits (fat)… Making you lose weight as long as you keep that deficit of energy going.

The basics are that simple. Energy taken in vs. energy spent and you always need to spend more energy than you take in, be it from drinks or food. Energy in food is often referred to as “calories” and most foods will be labeled with the amount of calories a food item has.

You should also pay close attention to calorie density, meaning how much calories is in a piece of food as opposed to another peice of food the same size. 1 cup of lettuce is LOW on calories, meaning not so calorie dense. You can pretty much eat as much lettuce as you like in a day and not gain weight. 1 cup of sugar is extremely calorie dense…

Lets now get into how to lose belly fat step-by-step!

This plan works for most people who are not currently exercising the right way, or eating the right way. If you just want to lose a little bit of stomach fat and feel that you don’t want to dedicate your life to exercise, health and fitness, that’s ok. You don’t need to be a professional body builder or build tons of muscle and get all ripped etc. You just need to do basic exercise a few times per week and eat healthy most of the time. Let’s get into the plan below, it has 3 specific components that are all important. Let’s look at them in order of importance, from most professional trainer’s point of view:

Step #1 – The Right Diet Program

As I’ve explained eariler, in order to lose weight you need to eat less food than you spend each day in energy. You need a deficit in calories. This is the basis for weight loss. In a good diet program, you should be told to follow a set of simple rules. These rules come from many researchers and top nutritionists throughout the world. They are all very famous nutrition expert who has helped hundreds of thousands of people get their diet programs on track. You can see the rules below. If your diet breaks a fewrules, it is likely that your diet is not spot on and could halt your chances of losing belly fat. Most experts agree that if you can do this 90% of the time you’ll be successful and since I’ve followed this plan my body has never been the same.

Simple Rules of Good Nutrition

These aren’t the newest techniques from the latest cutting-edge plan. Rather, they are simple, time-tested, no nonsense habits that you need to get into when designing a good eating program.

1. Eat lots of vegetables

2. Drink only water, tea, coffe and zero-calorie drinks.

3. Avoid anything white (that’s flour, sugar, potatoes, rice)

4. Eat lots of fiber

5. Get plenty of protein from natural sources such as beef, fish and fowl.

6. Eat healthy fat

7. Avoid foods that will raise blood sugar and elevate your insulin levels too high.

Step #2 – The Right Strength Training Program

I cannot stress the importance of getting on a good strength training program enough! Without building muscle your efforts in losing belly fat will be slower and the results you get will not be as impressive. You will get weaker and possibly lose muscle during your dieting period making you gain weight if you get off the diet. This is the most common mistake that people make when trying to lose weight. This is what creates the “yo-yo” effect, which is far from what we want happening, right? For permanent fat loss it is important to build muscle and get on a good strenght training program that incorporates the right exercises with the right weights with the right rest times.

How to strength train is a whole science on its own and I couldn’t include everything that needs to be said here. Instead I want you to check out Truth About Abs, on of my favorite fat loss workout programs that will help and teach you how to get in shape from strength training alone! You also get smashing diet tips that can really help you out!

I suggest training with weights 3 times per week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I train those days and it’s keeping me in shape, big time.

Step #3 – The Right Cardio Training Program

If you though I’d leave out cardio from the equation you are wrong =). Cardio is extremely important for losing more fat faster. I recommend 20-30 minutes of cardio per day, or in between the days where you do strength training. This gives you the chance to do cardio on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Keep the sunday as a rest day! Don’t get over worked. If you stick with running, that is fine. If you like biking that is fine. Any activity that raises your heart beat consistently for 20-30 minutes is considered cardio.

You can do this for a while until your fat loss slows down a lot. Then I would move to more intense cardio, such as HIIT or High Intense Interval Training. This is the type of cardio that will get your heart beat pumping like crazy. It is very intense and great for losing more fat in less time. This technique is also talked about a lot in Truth About Abs. So if you are ready to start losing belly fat fast, right now I suggest you follow this plan.

Workout once per day. Eat 6-7 times per day and keep off bad foods as much as possible. You’ll start to drop weight pretty easily with this plan, guaranteed! Keep your food portions small and frequent =) Good luck!

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