Shoot Your Metabolism Through The Roof And Start Losing Weight Fast By Eating 6 Meals A Day

Is it possible to lose weight by eating more?  That question may sound crazy, but it’s a technique that many fitness experts have been using for quite awhile now to manage how their bodies take in food.  This reduces the amount of fat they retain and helps them stay thin.  So it’s not a crazy dream, but an effective strategy in your work toward losing weight.

Eating six meals a day makes it easier for your body to process the food that you are giving it.  By giving your body time to digest the protein as well as the fat and carbohydrates in your food, you make sure that the important parts of the food, like the protein, are absorbed for building muscle, and the parts which you don’t want much of, like the carbohydrates and the fat, have time to be burnt off.  By giving your body smaller amounts to digest spaced further apart, you are making it more efficient at processing foods and leaving less to be stored as that fat you are trying to lose.

When you only eat three times a day, you often find yourself overly hungry, or “starving” by the time mealtime comes around.  This can easily cause you to overeat and miss your daily calorie goal.  By eating more frequently, you can help keep your hunger cravings under control.

Additionally, if you are eating healthy foods more often, you will be less tempted to grab a donut or a bag of chips when you need some extra energy.  There will be no reason to break your diet and snack when the next meal is only 30 minutes away.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that you can eat a full meal of fried foods six times a day and expect to lose weight.  First of all, each of your six meals per day will be substantially smaller than what you were previously eating as a three-time-per-day meal.  Second, it is still vital that you are eating healthy, balanced meals to lose weight.  Some lean protein, a few carbohydrates like rice or noodles, and a lot of vegetables make for a balanced meal that will have you losing weight in no time.If you want to learn more about how to lose weight through diet I suggest you take a look at The Cinderella Solution diet program right now, it will explain how to eat properly and lose weight the right way.